Did you know each hand has 27 bones, 27 joints, and over 30 muscles?
They all work together as a harmonized network allowing you to do everything from threading a needle to opening a jar.
Imagine your hands as a network of delicate, finely-tuned hinges—each one designed to move smoothly and effortlessly, like the parts of a luxury watch.
But here’s the problem: as time goes on, those hinges begin to wear down.
Let’s take a moment to think about something as simple as opening a stubborn jar of honey.
The second you twist that lid, your hand joints feel the pressure.
“Too much strain—brace for inflammation!” your body warns.
What most people don’t realize is that the pain doesn’t always hit right away.
It might take hours—or even until the next morning—before you feel the stiffness, the swelling, or the dull ache.
This delay makes it almost impossible to connect the dots and figure out what caused it.
Here’s an even more startling fact: the everyday tasks you rely on your hands for—typing, cooking, gripping objects—put as much strain on your fingers as walking does on your knees.
No wonder your hands have been crying out for help.
And it doesn’t stop there.
Nearly 25% of Americans will develop arthritis in their hands, a number that’s expected to skyrocket in the coming years.
The scariest part?
Most people don’t realize they’re damaging their hands until it’s too late.
Arthritis can quietly sneak up on you, developing over 8 to 10 years without a single obvious warning sign.
But what if there were a way to support your hands’ delicate joints and keep them working smoothly—no matter how much you rely on them every day?