During my research, I stumbled upon studies about bamboo fabric and its unique properties.
For centuries, Eastern medicine had used bamboo for its natural healing properties.
But what caught my attention was its ability to regulate temperature and improve circulation.
Working with medical experts and textile engineers, we spent months developing what would become CompresFit gloves.
The goal was simple: create something my mom would actually want to wear - something that would help her reclaim her independence.
The first prototype was ready just before Mom's 70th birthday.
"These feel different," she said, slipping them on for the first time. They were softer than the stiff compression gloves we'd tried before.
The bamboo fabric felt cool and comfortable against her skin.
The next morning, I got a call that made me cry.
"I just made my own breakfast," Mom said, her voice trembling with joy. "I opened the honey jar by myself. And Sarah... I'm going to try playing piano again."
The Natural Solution That Gave Mom Her Life Back